Jonathans Face
Hi, my name is
Jonathan Schaaij
Robotics Engineer | Software Developer | Maker
Software Developement
Robotics Engineering
3D Printing
I have experience in a variety of programming languages including C, C++, Matlab, Python, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript and Java. I have worked on a variety of projects such as desktop applications, mobile apps, and web applications. I am familiar with software development methodologies such as Agile and Scrum, and I have experience working with version control systems like Git. I am also comfortable with working in Linux and Windows environments.
About Me
I am currently a student studying for my masters in Robotics at the University of Twente. Additionally I have two part time jobs as a full stack developer and as a prototype engineer. I volunteer once a week at Scouting Coevorden, where a accompany a group of around 20 children (ages 7-11). I my free time I enjoy working on side projects, such as upgrading my 3D-printer by adding new features, programming this website, or developing a low cost skydiving altimeter. Being quite an adrenaline junky myself I enjoy participating in sports such as skydiving and climbing.

All rights reserved © Jonathan Schaaij - 2024